February 19, 2016
As Albertans and Canadians, we see it everywhere
“Alberta’s oil and gas veterans look elsewhere for jobs after layoffs”
“2015 worst year for Alberta job losses since 1982”
It makes us pause and say “what if……” and consider what our next step should be.
Yes, even we have noticed fewer camp jobs or smaller camp jobs. Inevitably, it has affected everyone. The trickle effect of people not working also means people not spending. Everyone feels it. We want to let you know however, that Western Camp Services is well positioned to weather this downturn.
But something that becomes increasingly apparent is that the people that continue working for Western Camp Services will be cream of the crop. We see so many resumes emailed, faxed and dropped off daily that it is very easy to pick only star performers.
So now when you worry about your job and what your next step should be, let me make a suggestion, and this applies to all of us:
Everyday make sure you shine. Do your job to the best of your ability. Go the extra mile for the client. Guess what, they will keep us working; when those men and women at camp level applaud us, their bosses listen and realize that Western is their best choice for a camp provider. Follow our safety program. It works people! It is so important to work safe and document it. Wear your uniform and show your pride working for Western Camp Services. Be positive, smile and say hi to everyone you pass.
Sadly, there are people who choose to ignore the repercussions of doing just the minimum required. It always comes around to bite them in the-you-know-what, especially now. So remember this, if you shine. Western will notice.
This morning we all woke up to the first day of the rest of our lives. Make it great!
Posted in: The Western Dispatch