December 6, 2016
Tis the season again for family and friends! A Warm Christmas Wish to all of you from your Western Family! These last few years have been hard on all of us in the Oil and Gas Industry with fewer opportunities and fewer locations and thus fewer employment opportunities. But we have made it! We have walked through where others have fallen. With 2016 fading behind us we look forward to 2017 and we are already seeing increased activity.
Through this recession, many have been affected. We pause and think of those less fortunate around us. Be they strangers or family or friends, let us all reach out and lend a hand where we can. Be that with a donation, volunteer some time or even visiting someone for coffee. At the office, the staff are volunteering at our local Christmas Bureau packing Christmas Meals, as well we sponsored a special meal for shut-ins through the Meals on Wheels program. Remember, it’s all about great people, so reach out and touch someone!
Posted in: Corporate News